our patron

St. Joseph is the patron and model of our school. The entire “Family” of St. Joseph’s English Medium School, Sankarakholthe management, staff, parents / guardians and students must draw inspiration from him. Joseph is an example of faith, righteousness, trust in God’s providence, and prompt obedience to God’s call.

With Jesus and Mary, Joseph is a model of unity, love and shared faith, showing the priority of family life over once individual interest. He shows that one’s dignity does not consist in social, political or economic standing, but in one’s inner integrity in being true to one’s own calling. Joseph teaches us that holiness need not catch the world’s attention. It consists, rather, in being lovingly faithful to the ordinary: family, work, religious observances, the indications of circumstances and God’s revelation.

May St Joseph bless us and guide our paths.

St Joseph's Sankarakhol

Song to St. Joseph

We thank you O Lord for St. Joseph

In him we see the wonders of your love

You filled him with cares of nature and of grace

To lead your people to their home above

 He was a man profoundly human

Open to the signs of the time

Animated by your spirit

A man in love with God

Enable us to be his children

Optimistic lovers of you

Joyful in the service of others

Established in your love