St. Joseph’s English Medium School at Sankarakhol sets an auspicious beginning to the new academic year 2023-2024 on 3rd April 2023. Mr. Manoj Gouda reporter of Sambad News Paper was the Chief Guest of the Day. Fr. Sushanth Pradhan, Managing Committee Member, Sr. Marina Manager of the school, Sr. Liby George Principal of the school, parents and the students were present to witness this new beginning of the academic session.

The guests were welcomed with flowers and the students were welcomed with Arati by the teachers and received them to the new academic session very traditionally.

The lamp of auspiciousness was lighted by the guests, administration team, parent representative, teacher representative and the student representative. 

On this day the Principal of the school introduced the faculty members for the upcoming academic year and the teachers pledged themselves to be dedicated and committed to their tasks of moulding and mentoring the children entrusted to their care. Students also took their oath to be at their best and co-operate with the formation provided to them by the school.  Fr. Sushanth Pradhan prayed over the parents, staff and students of the school and gave his blessings to them to start the new academic year.  The chief guest was felicitated by the manager, principal and managing committee member Fr. Sushanth Pradhan. This great event came to an end with vote of thanks. After which according to the promotion lists students were sent to their new classes with their class teachers. They were received at the entrance of the school customarily with flowers and bottu.  

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